The Approach
The Global Protection Cluster itself is not an advocacy and campaigning platform, however, it is well positioned to convene a powerful collective voice through its broad membership, leverage the relationships with decision-makers and advocacy targets it has access to and by supporting ‘from behind’ when others are positioned to lead and have the most influence. The GPC has a particular role to play in amplifying advocacy efforts being led at the national level, based on the analysis of key protection risks and trends, identifying and leveraging related ‘openings’ for influencing, and playing a powerful convening role that enables it to bring together diverse protection actors to advance shared advocacy objectives.
National Protection Clusters should take a primary role in leading collective protection advocacy efforts, as a core function of the cluster approach and an essential activity to achieve protection outcomes.
“The overall strategic objective of the Global Protection Cluster on advocacy is to ensure voices of crisis affected persons and communities are heard, especially the forgotten ones”