Mine Action and HLP
There are many linkages between mine action and Housing, Land and Property. Removing explosive ordnance changes land values and can impact land rights and land use.
As part of their due diligence, mine action organizations should:
- Understand the operational context in which they operate – who has what rights to the land; how land is used by different groups.
- Assess the potential positive and negative impact of land release on that context, including for the powerful and the poor, men and women.
- Taking practical steps to ensure that mine action contributes to positive outcomes and increases protection of the most vulnerable.
The GPC also has a Mine Action Area of Responsibility: https://www.globalprotectioncluster.org/AoR/Mine-Action
Below you can find a number of resources, guidance, FAQs, and webinar recordings to increase your understanding of the intersection of mine action and HLP.

- Iraq: Lessons Learnt from the MAG-NRC Partnership (2022)
- Iraq: HLP Guidance Note for Mine Action (2019)
- Syria: HLP Guidance Note for Mine Action (2018)
- Cambodia: Doing No Harm? Mine Action and Land Issues (2014)
- Myanmar: Mine Action and Land Rights (2014)
- South Sudan: Mine Action and Land Rights (2013)
- Handover of Released Land: Common Procedures and Good Practices (2013)
- Afghanistan: Land Rights and Mine Action: FAQ (2012)
- Angola: Landmine Clearance & Land Rights: Outcome of Non-Integrated Peacebuilding (2012)